When your Cebu Pacific flight is canceled or rescheduled, the airline offers choices on what to to with your booking. You can rebook, request a refund, or convert your ticket to a travel fund.
Wat wordt er in deze gids behandeld?
What is a travel fund?
How to transfer your ticket to a travel Fund
Frequently Asked QuestionsWho can avail of travel Fund?
My flight has been rescheduled, can I avail of the travel Fund option?
Will the travel tax be included in the conversion to travel Fund too?
How to utilize travel Fund to book one more flight?
If I had my ticket converted to travel Fund, might I modification my mind as well as request a refund?
If the validity of the travel Fund expires, will I still be able to utilize it?
Is there a charge for converting a ticket to travel Fund?
Can I utilize the travel Fund for one more person?
There are several passengers in our booking. Are all of us entitled to utilize travel Fund?
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What is a travel fund?
In the context of Cebu Pacific, a travel fund a online purse where you can transfer the expense of your ticket, which can then be utilized to pay for your future bookings. The amount to be transferred excludes insurance coverage add-ons as well as other service fees, if any.
For example, let’s state that my Manila-Cebu flight was canceled. instead of rebooking it or asking for a refund, I can have that amount be kept in my travel Fund. In a way, it’s like I have credit ratings that Cebu Pacific is keeping for me. Now, in the future, when I choose to book one more flight with them, I might utilize it to pay for that new booking.
You can keep that amount for 90 days (in some cases, 180 days), which starts on the day of conversion. If you stop working to utilize it within that period, it will expire. You can likewise utilize it only for the original passenger.
But unlike refunds which typically take weeks (or even months) to complete, you can utilize a travel fund rapidly as well as easily. If I convert my ticket to a travel fund today as well as I select to book one more flight tomorrow, I can already utilize the credited amount. If you can’t wait on a refund, this is a great option, offered that you are specific you will be utilizing it within the next 90 days.
How to transfer your ticket to a travel Fund
Bezoek de Cebu Pacific -website: www.cebupacificair.com. click on handle BOOKING.
Supply the info needed to gain access to your booking: Booking recommendation Number as well as Surname of the passenger. If you have a GetGo membership, log in to your account.
On the dashboard, discover your flight. Click the handle button next to it.
On the next page, you will discover icons. If your flight has been canceled by Cebu Pacific, you will discover a travel FUND option. If your flight isn’t canceled, select CANCEL flight as well as comply with the next steps.
Enter the info asked on the next page.
Confirm transfer to travel Fund.
When it’s done, you ought to get an email from Cebu Pacific specifying that the cost of the ticket has been converted into travel Fund credits.
Here’s a quick infographic summing up the process:
Veel Gestelde Vragen
Who can avail of travel Fund?
Generally, if the airline cancels or reschedules your flight with 1-hour difference, you are entitled to a rebooking, refund, or travel fund. note that there ought to be at least a 1-hour difference from the original schedule.
If you voluntarily cancels your flight, you may be entitled to these choices depending upon your fare type. many promotion fares are not covered. other situations like death or major disease or injury of the traveler can likewise be a reason for a refund or conversion to travel fund. You will requirement to submit a valid certificate as well as other required documents.
My flight has been rescheduled, can I avail of the travel Fund option?
Only when there is a 1-hour difference between the original routine as well as the new schedule. Otherwise, you are not entitled to a travel fund, refund, or rebooking.
Will the travel tax be included in the conversion to travel Fund too?
The travel tax will not be included in the converted amount at first, however it will be added within 15 days after completing your booking conversion to travel Fund.
Travel taxes are processed individually as well as involve coordination with other agencies, however it will be added eventually.
How to utilize travel Fund to book one more flight?
When you choose to utilize travel Fund credit ratings to purchase one more ticket, just book a flight on the site or app as you typically would. The difference is: on the repayment page, when asked exactly how you want to pay, select the travel FUND option.
If I had my ticket converted to travel Fund, might I modification my mind as well as request a refund?
NEE. If your flight is canceled or rescheduled (with 1 hour difference), zorg ervoor dat u uw keuzes grondig evalueert voordat u een beslissing neemt. Als het klaar is, is het zowel definitief als onomkeerbaar.
Als de geldigheid van het reisfonds verloopt, kan ik het dan nog steeds gebruiken?
Nee niet meer.
U krijgt 45 dagen een e -mailaanwijzer voordat het reisfonds afloopt. Vergeet niet dat de geldigheid van het reisfonds 90-180 dagen is (afhankelijk van de zaak) vanaf de conversiedag.
Is er een kosten voor het converteren van een ticket naar reisfonds?
Als het de luchtvaartmaatschappij is die uw vlucht heeft geannuleerd of opnieuw gepland, is deze volledig gratis.
Maar als u het bent die annuleerde, kan de luchtvaartmaatschappij een verwerkingskosten verleenden.
Kan ik het reisfonds gebruiken voor nog een persoon?
NEE. Het is niet overdraagbaar. Het kan worden gebruikt voor exact dezelfde persoon ooit geregistreerd.
Er zijn verschillende passagiers in onze boeking. Hebben we allemaal het recht om het reisfonds te gebruiken?
Dit is wat de voorwaarden van Cebu Pacific daarover moeten vermelden:
“Meerdere passagiers die in één schema -ontvangst worden genoemd, hebben de keuze om een enkel fonds te produceren dat door iemand in het record kan worden ingewisseld of om het fonds te splitsen om elke reiziger in staat te stellen zijn aandeel te krijgen. Behalve dit voorbeeld, zal de luchtvaartmaatschappij voldoen aan een eenmalige boeking-één reisfonds. Een enkel reisfonds kan niet uit verschillende boekingen worden geproduceerd, omdat het reisfonds verbonden is met de boekingsaanbeveling van de passagier en niet met zijn naam. ”
2020 • 3 • 15
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